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  1. Hebron Hebrew by Jonahfonts, $42.00
    Hebron Hebrew is a font that contains 22 Hebrew letters along with five word ending letters that are automatically activated when used in Applications such as Apple-Pages and MicroSoft-Word. The Hebrew letters do not contain "Niqquds" (Hebrew Vowels) except with the added alternates, if desired. You may also be interested in my NEWMARK Hebrew, YOM TOV Hebrew PAGEANTRY Hebrew, HANAH Hebrew and KOMUNIDAD Hebrew Script FONTS.
  2. OL Hebrew Cursive by Dennis Ortiz-Lopez, $30.00
    This font contains every variant found in the Hebrew Bible such as the “mutilated” Waw in Numbers 25: verse 12, the small Heh in Genesis 2: verse 4 and the Nun Inversum before Numbers 10: verse 35 and after verse 36 and elsewhere as well as oversized consonants and various double-wide consonants used in inscriptions.
  3. Corsica by AVP, $19.00
    Corsica is an all-purpose geometric sans-serif typeface of visually uniform stroke thickness. The design seeks to be reminiscent of classic 20th Century grotesques with a crisp modern appearance and opentype features that are now expected. Coverage includes most Roman languages, Greek and basic Cyrillic. Each font contains a standard set of features including fractions, small capitals etc. The family contains six weights, two widths and three lowercase size options, together with an italic variant for each. The are three standard 4-font families for each size variant and a further three corresponding families for Condensed versions. The versatility provided by this extensive family has many useful applications. In particular, the choice of small, medium and large lowercase letter sizes (SX, MX, LX) allows designers to select an appropriate style for suitable impact and legibility in different situations such as headlines, captions, signage, web menus etc. Although each of the three size options will work equally well in most situations, the middle size (Corsica MX) would generally be the preferred choice for lengthy texts.
  4. Monotype Corsiva by Monotype, $89.00
    Monotype Corsiva is an italic typeface made in the style of the early Italian cursives as exemplified by the work of the writing master, Ludovico degli Arrighi, in the sixteenth century. The capitals of the Monotype Corsiva font are of swash design, with characteristic flourishes, designed primarily for use as initial letters. Monotype Corsiva can be used for short text passages in advertising but is best used to add sparkle to invitations, greetings cards and menus and to give a sense of occasion to certificates and awards.
  5. Corrida by ParaType, $25.00
    Designed for ParaType (ParaGraph) in 1989 by Elvira Slysh. Based on Slogan of Ludwig & Mayer type foundry, 1959, by Helmut Matheis. An informal flowing script simulating pointed brush calligraphy. A style of medium weight and coherent lowercase. For use in advertising and display typography.
  6. Hebrew Participants - Unknown license
  7. Hanah Hebrew by Jonahfonts, $42.00
    Hanah Hebrew without cantillation marks, very much used in everyday modern Hebrew. I have added Alternate Stylistics with just some additional cantillation marks which in some cases may be necessary. Use the Character Map (Windows) or Character Viewer (Mac) to access these characters. Unlimited Fractions can be obtained. You may be interested in these Hebrew fonts as well, NEWMARK HEBREW, HEBRON HEBREW,YOM TOV HEBREW, KOMUNIDAD HEBREW SCRIPT and PAGEANTRY HEBREW. Check them out! These fonts require OpenType-aware software.
  8. Isard Hebrew by Letterjuice, $40.00
    Isard is a very agile typeface, honoring its name, which is the name of a type of mountain goat from the Catalan Pyrenees. It is a multipurpose sans serif typeface with a down-to-earht elegance, thought for information design as well as branding. Isard is warm and friendly which also makes it suitable for advertising, packaging, and magazine. It has a contemporary feel to it with its squarish curves, it has being built with legibility in mind, bearing a considerably large x-height. The family covers two scripts, Hebrew and Latin. It has seven weights, from the very sturdy Black to the delicacy of the Thin, with its italics.
  9. Hebrew Karina by Samtype, $34.00
    This is a beautiful font to use in invitations, posters, and small texts
  10. Hebrew Maran by Samtype, $49.00
    The beautiful and elegant typeface is excellent use in wedding invitations, art, posters, and small texts.
  11. Hebrew Stam by Samtype, $34.00
    Beautiful Caligraphic font and also readable font.
  12. Helvetica Hebrew by Linotype, $65.00
    Helvetica is one of the most famous and popular typefaces in the world. It lends an air of lucid efficiency to any typographic message with its clean, no-nonsense shapes. The original typeface was called Neue Haas Grotesk, and was designed in 1957 by Max Miedinger for the Haas'sche Schriftgiesserei (Haas Type Foundry) in Switzerland. In 1960 the name was changed to Helvetica (an adaptation of Helvetia", the Latin name for Switzerland). Over the years, the Helvetica family was expanded to include many different weights, but these were not as well coordinated with each other as they might have been. In 1983, D. Stempel AG and Linotype re-designed and digitized Neue Helvetica and updated it into a cohesive font family. At the beginning of the 21st Century, Linotype again released an updated design of Helvetica, the Helvetica World typeface family. This family is much smaller in terms of its number of fonts, but each font makes up for this in terms of language support. Helvetica World supports a number of languages and writing systems from all over the globe. Today, the original Helvetica family consists of 34 different font weights. 20 weights are available in Central European versions, supporting the languages of Central and Eastern Europe. 20 weights are also available in Cyrillic versions, and four are available in Greek versions. Many customers ask us what good non-Latin typefaces can be mixed with Helvetica. Fortunately, Helvetica already has Greek and Cyrillic versions, and Helvetica World includes a specially-designed Hebrew Helvetica in its OpenType character set. Helvetica has also been extende to Georgian and a special "eText" version has been designed with larger xheight and opened counters for the use in small point sizes and on E-reader devices. But Linotype also offers a number of CJK fonts that can be matched with Helvetica. Chinese fonts that pair well with Helvetica: DF Hei (Simplified Chinese) DF Hei (Traditional Chinese) DF Li Hei (Traditional Chinese) DFP Hei (Simplified Chinese) Japanese fonts that pair well with Helvetica: DF Gothic DF Gothic P DFHS Gothic Korean fonts that pair well with Helvetica: DFK Gothic"
  13. Hebrew Dot by Samtype, $34.00
    Beautiful font to use in Book covers and Posters.
  14. Hebrew Europa by Samtype, $125.00
    Beautiful font, good for posters, books, and folders. This is a complete font with all diacritic marks (Nikud and Taamim) and also Shevana, Kamatz Katan, Dagesh Chazak and Holam chaser.
  15. Hebrew Basic by Deniart Systems, $10.00
    Based on the ancient Hebrew alphabet.
  16. Hebrew Sara by Samtype, $26.00
    This is calligraphic font. Good for posters and invitations. Best to use this font from 24pt size.
  17. Hebrew Julit by Samtype, $39.00
    Beautiful and elegant typeface, excelent using in wedding invitations, arts, posters and small texts.
  18. Hebrew Juless by Samtype, $39.00
    Beautiful and elegant typeface, excelent using in wedding invitations, arts, posters and small texts.
  19. Hebrew Century by Samtype, $39.00
    This is a font from the 10th century and is still pretty. This is a classic format.
  20. Myriad Hebrew by Adobe, $29.00
  21. Hebrew Sefirot by Samtype, $49.00
    The beautiful and elegant typeface is excellent use in wedding invitations, art, posters, and small texts.
  22. Hebrew Marge by Samtype, $39.00
    This is the classical font to make a Tanach, Siddur, or a regular Hebrew book. These fonts include all diacritic marks: Nikud, Teamim, and modern punctuation. You can find in these fonts: shevana, kamats katan, cholam chasser and dagesh chazak. The best program to use these fonts is Adobe Indesign.
  23. Hebrew Crown by Samtype, $39.00
    This is a beautiful font to book covers and posters, and invitations
  24. Hebrew Castel by Samtype, $125.00
    Beautiful Calligraphic font and also a readable font.
  25. Hebrew Mairi by Samtype, $39.00
    The beautiful and elegant typeface, excellent use in wedding invitations, arts, posters, and small texts.
  26. Hebrew Compressed by Samtype, $39.00
    Modern Sans Serif Hebrew type. This font isbest for use in titles and small texts.
  27. Hebrew Siddur by Samtype, $59.00
    This is a classic design from the beginning of the 20th century. This font can be used in many kinds of books. This font has the modern Hebrew punctuation: Shevana, Kamatz Katan, Dagesh Hazak, and Cholam Chaser.
  28. Faux Hebrew by Page Studio Graphics, $24.00
    The simulated font is based on the characteristic Hebrew calligraphy. Some of the original Hebrew characters have been given new roles, others modified to resemble modern Latin characters. The font includes an upper case alphabet, numerals, and basic faux punctuation, plus Harp of David, Menorah, and Star of David symbols.
  29. Hebrew Latino by Wiescher Design, $39.50
    Hebrew Latino was started out of frustration. I could not find a font that looked like Hebrew - actually I found one, but it had only capitals. So I decided to make my own. Strangely enough it looks a little bit Jugendstylish! Here it is. Shalom! Gert Wiescher
  30. Hebrew Meyer by Samtype, $39.00
    This is a new beautty classic font. This font is usually use in invitattions, small texts, book covers and monograms
  31. SST Hebrew by Monotype, $67.99
  32. Lisboa Hebrew by Vanarchiv, $52.00
    Lisboa Hebrew is humanist sans-serif typeface base on the same design as the original Lisboa (2005). The main structure is more close to the Sephardic proportions, where the letterforms contains reverse contrast and the terminals following the same calligraphic approach (Humanist). There are some characters and figures designed as small caps which have the same proportions from Hebrew. Latin transliteration characters were also included.
  33. Hebrew Stencil by Samtype, $49.00
    This is a modern Sans Serif font. There are 12 letters This font is for logos, covers and small texts and children books This font has the modern Hebrew punctuation: Shevana, Kamatz Katan, Dagesh Hazak, and Cholam Chaser.
  34. Hebrew Modern by Samtype, $49.00
    This is a classic design from the beginning of the 20th century. This font can be used in many kinds of books
  35. Pivnaya-Hebrew by Roman Type, $35.00
    This is the Latin+Hebrew version of poster/display font Pivnaya designed and published by Roman Type. It works for Afrikaans, Arabic, Albanian, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Farsi, Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Norwegian, Polish, Portugese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanisch, Swedish, Turkish, Urdu, Vietnamese, Zulu. Equipped with wider coverage of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), Pivnaya-Hebrew is fit for all kinds of purposes.
  36. Hebrew Michol by Michael Kania, $56.00
    A nice, balanced, elegant Hebrew font highly versatile, as headline in print and also as a web font. Bilingual.
  37. Hebrew Tsefat by Samtype, $34.00
    This is a beautiful typeface to invitations, posters, cover books and small texts. All diacritic marks for vocalization are present (Nikud), including shevana, kamats katan, cholam chaser and dagesh hazak.
  38. Escritura Hebrew by Vanarchiv, $21.00
    It was my first attempt to drawing a Hebrew alphabet to mach directly with other typeface (Latin) which I already designed. The Latin version is an handwriting display typeface influenced by chancery handwriting from the Italian Renaissance (broad-nib pen). One of the most typographic characteristic is there wavy forms, especially the serifs, where contains some of the main calligraphic references from this font family. The Hebrew script contain reverse contrast, the vertical proportions are more tall and the stroke weight is slightly more strong than latin lowercase to produce a correct visual balance between them, especially on small sizes (text proportions). This Hebrew square book-hand was influenced by Sephardic script style. The Latin characters contains interrupted strokes, the same was made for Hebrew letterforms to transpose correctly the same calligraphic approach between these two different alphabets.
  39. Gill Hebrew by Lerfu, $55.00
    Near the end of his life, legendary type designer Eric Gill lived in Jerusalem, and became interested in the typesetting of the Hebrew alphabet and the challenges it entailed. He designed his own Hebrew font which has not (to my knowledge) been digitized before. It is sometimes held up as an example of how not to do a Hebrew font: Gill introduced strange serifs and shapes that were jarring to readers used to more traditional fonts. But it is quite readable, and does start to grow on you after a while; extended text in Gill Hebrew is possible. I've added a set of alternate digits that are based on the shapes of the letters (Gill's digits are pretty standard text figures). I've also made some of the Unicode Hebrew symbols that Gill didn't (e.g. New Sheqel Sign, Alef-Lamed ligature, etc.) and also included vowel-points.
  40. Pageantry Hebrew by Jonahfonts, $42.00
    Hebrew alphabets contain 22 Hebrew letters along with five final letters. These final letters are automatically activated when used in Applications such as Apple Pages® and MicroSoft Word®. Some alternate hebrew letters have been added. Pageantry Hebrew letters do not contain cantillation marks very much used in everyday modern Hebrew accompanied with the complete latin alphabet. View my other Hebrew fonts, Newmark Hebrew, Hebron Hebrew, Hanah Hebrew and Komunidad Hebrew which is a handwritten (script font). Pageantry Hebrew requires OpenType-aware software.
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